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[Refunds for Owned Tickets After the Gacha System Deletion] Bug Report

2025.01.03 Friday 13:38 (UTC + 9)


The 'Foundation for Growth Event' is supposed to be end at Dec. 6(or Dec. 5) 2024,

in fact it lasts for another 25 days due to unkonwn mistakes, which leads to a BUG involving Red Gems laundering.

According to the 'Refunds for Owned Tickets After the Gacha System Deletion' notice(which posted at 2024.12.02),

anyone can pay Superior Tickets for Red Gems, and Superior Tickets can be obtained through 'Foundation for Growth Event' for free during entire December 2024.

Someone is intentionally using this bug to steal millions of Red Gems when Jan. 8 maintenance complete(You'll get a list if you checkout any account registered after Refund notice posted(Dec. 2) and reached level around 20~40). It will bankrupt game Shop system and Auction system, soon players will notice this Red Gems overwhelming, and trust or pay cash for Red Gems no more.

Fortunately it still has time to fix this:

Withdraw refund '200 Red Gems per ticket' solution ASAP, delaying refund and think twice before any new refund post!


change it to 'refund will be given to all accounts created before Dec. 2'(Refund posted date), because any Superior Tickets earned by new account are free rather than paid, this way will stop anyone who plot to make a fortune on purpose.

As a game developer and fan of Uncharted Waters series, I really hope this game prospers!

And do something, before it's too late.

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