Aug. 18 Data Patch
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.18
[Resolved] [FLOOR] Intermittent Issues with the Purchase of Products
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.16
[FLOOR] Intermittent Issues with the Purchase of Products
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.16
Aug. 16 (Wed) New Mate Pick-Up
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.16
[Edited] Aug. 16 Known Issues
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.16
[Completed] Aug. 16 Scheduled Maintenance
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.16
Aug. 16 Scheduled Maintenance
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.14
Notice regarding changes to the Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.09
[Edit] Aug. 9 Data Patch
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.08
Aug. 2 (Wed) New Mate Pick-Up
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.02
[Edit] Aug. 1 Known Issues
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.08.01
Jul. 21 Data Patch
Uncharted Waters Origin2023.07.21
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